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The Forest District sells twelve timber types, seedlings and trees for Christmas during Christmas season.

Timber offered for sale comes in two half-year cycles. 70% of the timber offered in one cycle is sold on internet auctions in restricted tenders on the forest-timber websites. The remaining part  is offered on other internet auctions through the e-timber application.  The timber which has not been sold in the mentioned two procedures in a given half-year period is offered on the regular internet auctions. If still it has not been sold, trading negotiations start. Apart from that, the State Forests offer some amounts of timber for retail sale, whereas valuable species are sold through tenders and submissions.

Timber sale

Below, please find the timber price list  updated on January 1, 2014. If you are interested in buying timber, do not hesitate to give us a ring.

Sales of trees for Christmas

Trees are sold in forester's lodges. Maps and addresses can be found in the bookmark Contact. The rules of timber sales are defined in the guidelines of the Director General of the State Forests.